Dubbing:Olive tapisserie wool (Anchor code 0424)
(Weighting with lead wire optional)
Rib:Golden wire
Partridge hackle
Long partridge hackle fibres
Tying Method
Whip thread down shank of hook toward bend, starting at 1/8 distance from eye.
Tie in 4-5 fibres from long partridge hackle. Keep tail just shorter than hook length.
Tie in wire.
Make body by teasing out wool into single thin strand and twisting. Tie in infront of tail and wind thread forward to 1/4 distance from eye. Wind wool towards eye building up nymph shaped body. Tie in.
Rib evenly with wire. Tie in at throat.
Tie in partridge hackle behind eye and make 2-3 turns. Hackle needs to be sparse, and should not extend far beyond hend of hook.
Make a small head, and tie off with whip finish behind eye. Clear varnish.